Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Elyse & Christmas :)

On Friday afternoon, Ryan and Elyse got a package from Peyton!  Ryan woke up from his nap super grumpy so I thought opening a few presents would make him happy.

He loves his new presents, Thank you Peyton!

That night we decided to take Ryan to Winterhaven.  It's a big neighborhood with a bunch of lights.  They have a few drive-thru nights but I didn't want to drive, I wanted to walk!  We ate dinner and got dressed warm.  We had to stop at Circle K first to get some hot chocolate!

They had this really, really cool house there.  I had never seen it before.  It had lots of lights, music, and a water fountain thing.  The music, lights, and fountain all went together.  Ryan LOVED it.  He was sitting in his stroller for a little while, but he kept trying to dance so Tim took him out.  Every time a new song would start Ryan would throw his hands in the air and say "oooh!" and he would wiggle his whole body and kick his legs around.  He was also the first person to start clapping when a song ended.  There were maybe 6 or 7 songs, I'm not sure.  We stayed at this house and watched the lights for about 45 minutes because Ryan liked it so much. 

He looks so funny!  I had to wrap him up in two blankets to keep him warm.  He looks like he just has a head without a body. 

When we got home, I put Ryan to bed and he fell asleep within minutes.  Tim's mom came to pick up Tim and they headed to the airport. Tim's dad flew to Chicago to pick up Elyse so she could be here for Christmas this year.  The plane didn't arrive until 10:20pm so Ryan and I couldn't go =(  I went downstairs as soon as I heard them come in the door.  I was excited to see Elyse and she was excited to see me :)

On Saturday (Christmas Eve) we drove up to San Manuel to spend time with Tim's Dad's side of the family.  Before we left Ryan and Elyse played doll house.

Getting ready for bed so Santa can come. 

Christmas Morning...
Ryan's goodies from Santa.

Elyse's goodies from Santa.

Watching Elyse and Ryan open their presents made my heart smile.  They are the sweetest kids, I couldn't ask for anything better.  Elyse was smiling the whole time she opened her gifts and Ryan was saying "ooooooh."  Grandma & Papa H brought their presents to our house so the kids could open them on Christmas morning.

After the kids opened their presents we went to Grandma & Grandpa R's house.

Elyse & Kylie were having a big Barbie wedding with all the new barbies they got.


I didn't take any pictures at Tim's parents house.  Boo.  We opened presents and then came home to eat lunch and put Ryan down for a nap.  During Ryan's nap Elyse, Tim and I played Clue.  I forgot how fun that game is!  I woke Ryan up at 4:30 so we could go back over to Tim's parents' house for turkey dinner.

Our Christmas was so much fun.  The kids got so much stuff thanks to all the wonderful people in our lives.  We are so blessed to have so many people who love our kids. 
Happy Birthday Jesus!

My parents came into town the day after Christmas.  The told us on Christmas evening they were coming over in the morning.  What a nice surprise!

Putting together Ryan's new rocking chair..

While the girls played Life.

Saying bye to Papa... feeling his whiskers.

Loving his new chair! 

Who says ball pits are for the babies?  Elyse loves it too!  There has too many ball fights in this house since Christmas.  Elyse, Tim & Ryan are throwing these things EVERYWHERE.

Tim & Elyse are at the movies right now on a Daddy/Daughter date.  Here they are before they left, and before I ran upstairs so I can finally update my blog!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas with their families<3

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Maternity Pictures

I had mentioned in here that we did maternity pictures the other weekend.  I was 35w6d when these were taken.  I'm posting a few that I think look fine as is.  Tim gets mad when I post pictures before he has a chance to look at them- well the ones he takes anyways.  But I don't care!  I'm posting them anyways.  & Yes I know, I'm pasty white- but I don't care.  So- here's a few, and if he works on them and they come out looking better I might just post them again!  There are still more pictures that need to be worked on.

I still can not believe my little baby is almost here!  I'm starting to get excited about it.  I'm still nervous- but I know he will be perfect.  & I can't wait to see his perfect little face and fingers and feel his soft skin.  <3  We still don't have a middle name picked out for him.  I hope we can come up with him before we sign the papers and leave the hospital.

On Monday, I took Ryan to My Gym.  It's so far away- but I was excited to take him.  It annoys me how so many things for moms and toddlers are during the daytime.  What about moms who work full time??    So we went, and he loved it!  I forgot my camera- so I was chasing him around with my cell phone.  Horrible picture quality.

He was in baby Heaven.  I wish I could have a little baby gym at my house!  At the end of class, they blew bubbles.  All the other little toddlers were sitting on their mommies laps listening to the teacher tell a little story with a puppet.  Not Ryan, he was walking around poking all the bubbles with his fingers.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Becoming a mom

These two pink lines are what made me fall in love with you.  I found out about you on October 13, 2009. I could not wait to tell your daddy because I knew he would be just as happy as I was.  And he sure was.  My love grew for you every single day.  I would talk to you and read you stories.  Daddy thought I was nuts, but I knew you could hear me.   We found out you were a boy on December 9.  Honestly, I wanted a girl.  But I would never trade you in for any other little girl in the world.  Daddy wanted you to be a boy and the look on his face when the ultrasound tech told us you were a boy was priceless.

I watched my stomach grow and grow every week.  I loved being pregnant.  I loved every little thing about it.  I especially loved knowing that you would be my outcome.

I looked forward to doctor appointments, to hearing your heartbeat.

The moment you were born, at 4:55pm on Wednesday, June 16 was the absolute best moment of our lives.  Holding you was overwhelming and simply amazing.  I could never put into words how amazing you are.  You are perfect.  P e r f e c t.

Becoming a mom has been the best thing that has ever happened to me.  Our lives are better because of you.  Our marriage is better because of you.  The world is better because of you.  The sun shines brighter because of you.  You light up the lives of so many people.  & You are ours.  Your needs come before anything else.  You come first.

Everyday you amaze me.   I have fallen even more in love with your daddy because of you.  I love to watch him hold you and play with you.   That's one thing I love about Tim, we parent the same.  We agree on things when it comes to you.  Your wants will always come before our needs.

I see so many people every day who put themselves ahead of their children.  How can you call yourself a good parent when everything you want and desire comes before your child?  Some parents just don't understand that their actions affect their children.  Being a good parent isn't about taking your child to Chuck E Cheese and blowing a bunch of money on tokens, it's not about buying them everything they want, it's not about doing everything for them so they never learn for themselves.  It's not about what you can buy.  Some people just don't get it.  & It's a shame, because your child is the one who suffers.

Teach your child morals.  Teach them to be a good person.  Teach them to help others.  Teach them to love.

The best thing in the world.

My beautiful, growing family<3

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Always reading!  We read this book from Elyse all.the.time. 

Ryan has rice in his hair, on his tummy, and on the side of his nose.

Checking the temperature of the water.  He always watches mommy do it, so now he always does it too.

Pulling his blanket through the crib rails.  He's holding his yogurt cup.  Gross.  If I throw them away, he always digs them out.

PERFECT!  I always check on Ryan at night, what mom doesn't?  He wasn't quite sleeping yet, but he was excited to see me :)

Tomorrow is my last day of work until I get over 2 months off!  I am so SO excited to spend all day everyday with Ryan for over 2 months.  Love my baby.  Tomorrow is half day at school so we get out at 11:30.  I have everything ready for my sub.  The only thing I need to do before I leave tomorrow is turn in a copy of the kids' report cards to the principal (which are sitting nicely on my desk!) & write the first week of lesson plans for the long term sub.  My goal is to be out of work at (or before) 12:30 & rush home to snuggle with Ryan!

A year ago today was the day before Ryan turned 6 months old.  We gave him solids for the very first time.  Some people choose cake for their first half birthday- I chose carrots.  Ryan's first food was carrots because his cuzzies, Aiden & Rian, also had carrots for their first food. 

It's 9:00 at night, baby is sleeping, daddy is watching some boring history thing on tv, I'm going to take a bath and read my book, "Handle With Care" by Jodi Picoult.