Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 268

Ryan's face is funny :)

Crawling away from the living room.  What he does allll daaay long.  He is always crawing away, to go find something that he shouldn't be playing with.  There's a bottle on the floor that he took out of the diaper bag and was playing with.  Ryan is completely on sippy cups!  Yay.  The green, red, and tan thing is a lawnmower.  He puts his hands on it and pushes it all around the downstairs.

Sleeping baby.   

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 267

We left Yuma today right before noon.  I wanted to leave right at Ryan's naptime so he would be able to sleep during the drive back to Tucson.  He slept about 3 hours.  & I slept almost the whole way too.  Poor Tim.  However, Ryan's big ol carseat prevents me from leaning my chair back at all, so I wasn't too comfortable.  But I did get some sleep!  I am an awesome sleeper who can sleep pretty much anywhere.  I thank my dad for that.

Yuma was fun.  Lots of playing with the kids.  Got to spend the whole time with my mom, she took off Thursday & Friday off of work and had Monday off as well.  My Grandparents came over for dinner one night.  My niece, Haley came over as well.  It was nice seeing her.  Every time I see her I'm just amazed at how grown up she is!  She used to be my little baby.  Now she is 13!  Yikes.

Ryan was a brat in Yuma.  Crying for me every time I left the room.   He had a hard time falling asleep.  We took him for walks every night to fall asleep.  He only slept through the night once, other times he was waking up screaming and I'd have to rock him back to sleep.  The first morning we were there he woke up at 6am, and another morning at 5.  I think he was a little homesick.

Tonight, when I laid him in his crib, I turned on his mobile and he looked up and was smiling at it.  & he went to sleep so peacefully.  He missed his own bed.  He's so sweet.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 265

Tonight was so fun!  Rebecca, Steven, Aiden, & Rian + Grandma & Grandpa came over for hamburgers.  After dinner, all 3 babies took a bath together.  Aiden was pouring water onto Rian & Ryan's head.  Then he grabbed the loofah and started rubbing it on Ryan's head.  He was making me laugh.

Aiden & Rian got to spend the night.  All 3 babies stayed up a little later than usual, but they all had so much fun playing together.  They make me happy.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 264

This morning we went to see Auntie Becca, Aiden, & Rian.  Ryan was wearing his "No Girls Allowed" shirt, Aiden saw it, pointed to it and said "Like Aidens!"  So he wanted to wear his too.  :)  I have more pictures from today, but I can't find the folder where Tim uploaded them. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 263



Ryan wondering why Aiden is in the bouncey seat and not him.

Ryan's face is funny.  He was standing at the backdoor and he was trying to get down and he started to fall and he fell on Rian.  She doesn't mind.

Aiden & Rian playing cars.

Tim & I had Chile Pepper today during Ryan's nap.  Yum!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 262

Okay, so I totally stole this picture online.  If you're from Yuma, you know exactly which restaurant this picture came from.

Today was the last day of school.  Always a little bittersweet.  These are kids that you work with all year, to get them ready for the next grade.  Yes, little kids can drive you nuts.  But inside of their crazy little bodies, they are human beings just like everyone else.  Sweet little human beings who make you laugh, who love you unconditionally, who are so excited to see you every morning and greet you with a big smile and a hug.  Sweet little people that can't wait until Monday morning to tell you how they spent their weekend, who want hugs when they are sad, and look to you for comfort.  It's always a little sad to say good bye when they have become such a big part of your everyday life.

On the flip side, it means 10 weeks of vacation.  10 weeks of staying home with the most beautiful, perfect little baby boy.  10 weeks to recoop and prepare for the upcoming school year.  & Summer means our little girl gets to visit for 5 weeks.

I really do have the best job in the world.

We're heading to Yuma tonight.  I can't wait to eat Chile Pepper.  I haven't had it since the week I had Ryan.  It was the first thing I ate in the hospital after he was born.  They were giving my baby a bath and all I could think about was that delicious burrito waiting for me.  Too bad for me because it ended up in the trash can about 5 minutes after I inhaled it.

Can't wait to see my parents, and my sister in law and her babies!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 261

3 years ago today...

Today Tim & Ryan brought me lunch.  I love getting visits from them.  Ryan cried when Tim had to leave.  He loves momma :)

Can't believe it's been 3 years already.  Tim and I were talking about how we were also getting ready for our Honeymoon to Hawaii the next day.  Oh, how I'd love to go back there.  We went to Hawaii for 7 days.  Lots of swimming, snorkeling, walking around being tourists, napping in our huge California King bed, lots of breakfasts outside on our balcony, visiting volcanoes.  I sure do miss it.  Maybe someday we can go back and take our kids.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 259

Went swimming in our backyard again.  This time, he didn't really try crawling out.  He sat and played and threw all of his toys out, and I kept throwing them all back in.  He crawled out when he was done though.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 257

During dinner, Ryan started randomly clapping.  So I videotaped him.  What a big boy!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 256

Tim was gone all day today taking pictures of a wedding.  Ryan went to Grandma's house.  Ryan cried when Tim dropped him off, but other than that, he was a good boy.  Since Tim had both cameras all I had was my cell phone and it's horrible picture quality.  I made fettucine alfredo for dinner tonight, Ryan loved it!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 255

Not interested, Momma.  I'd rather watch tv.

Okay, Okay- just one!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 254

Ryan's 11 month picture- a day late.

I went to bed sad last night because Tim didn't take a studio picture of Ryan!  He took one today when I was at work.  My little man is getting so big.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 253

I don't want to take pictures.

11 months old.  My baby is 11 months old.  Honestly, I feel a little sad.  How is my baby 11 months old??   Time is just flying by, and the next 16th of the month, Ryan will be one.

But the most beautiful, sweet, loving, funny, PERFECT little baby, is my son.  & nothing in the world could be better than that.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 252

We've been going for walks after Ryan's bath.  The weather is perfect.

Watching "Baby Einstein."  He sat for about 3-4 minutes and was even making excited noises at the tv.  It was cute.  Then he got bored and started crawling around.

Drinking his fomula from a sippy cup before bed.

This morning Tim & I went to see "Something Borrowed."  We left Ryan with Tim's mom.  Our 3rd time leaving him to go out together.  Slowly but surely, feeling better about leaving him.  But it's still hard.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 251

I didn't take any pictures today!  We had a garage sale in the morning.  Made some money off of junk that we no longer needed.  Afterwards we took a 2.5 hour nap.  I looove family naps.  Then Tim's mom wanted to go to Globe for one of Tim's cousin's graduations.  So we picked her up and went.  Didn't realize how far it was.  It was a little over 2 hours to get there!  It was nice to see his dad's side of the family.  We hadn't seen them since the end of June when Tim's Tata passed away.  So since the day was busy I didn't take any pictures.  So I'll post pictures of the day Ryan was born.  6-16-10.

I would post more, but he was naked in a lot of them and I don't want his junk all over the internet.  ;)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 250

Ryan's first time drinking milk(fomula) from a sippy cup.  I was such a proud momma.  It took a lot of tries, but he finally gets it. :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day 249

Look Ma, no hands!!

This is what he does when he sees his blanket, picks it up and gives it a squeeze.

Learning how to walk.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 248

This color is all off too!  Boo.  I made Tim change the settings on the camera after I took this picture.

Got home from work today at 1.  Fed Ryan some steamed carrots for lunch, which he loved!  Yay.  Made lunch for myself.  I took Ryan to babytime at the library.  So fun.  Today was our fifth time going.  Usually Ryan is so shy and stays right by me.  Today he was crawling all over the place playing!  He's breaking out of his shell. 

The reason I took the picture above, is because Ryan loves cars.  He was playing with one when I gave him his snack.  He set his car onto his bumbo tray!  Made me laugh.  He held onto that the whole car ride to babytime and even had it there too.