On Friday night my school held it's annual Harvest Fest. It's just a little Halloween carnival- this year me & another 2nd grade teacher had a cookie decorating booth. Tim & Ryan joined me and were one of the first two people to decorate a cookie. Ryan was SO good the whole night. He pretty much ran around the gym the entire night and Tim was watching him. Ryan loved seeing all the other little kids too- he doesn't see little kids too often. He was even chasing some of them around.
I've been pretty excitied about Halloween for a while now. It was definitely everything I hoped it would be. I've never cared too much about Halloween but it's so much different now that we have Ryan. I got him some Halloween books from the Scholastic Book Order a few weeks back and I made him a card and gave it to him in his pumpkin. Ryan loves books and will actually listen to me read now-a-days. Here he is checking out his goodies.
We went over to Grandma's house to do some trick or treating. Ryan loved the lights that everybody had! Yes- I know his brown sandles don't match his pirate outfit. I could not find his second black tennis shoe! It was driving me nuts so we just went for the brown sandles that don't match- oh well.
Ryan was a little unsure at first. He wouldn't hold his pumpkin bucket. Here he is going to his very first house!! I was such a paprazzi tonight. Oh well- It's his first time actually trick-or-treating!
After the first couple of houses Ryan loved it! We went with Tim's brother, his girlfriend, and our niece Kylie. Ryan would follow Kylie up to the door. When the people answered the door he would stick his hand up to reach for the candy and then put the candy into his bucket. Most of the people would let Ryan pick his own candy- and he'd grab one and put it in his bucket, then grab another, and try for another. He was SO cute. I'm happy he got the point of trick-or-treating and was able to do it by himself. He loved holding his pumpkin too!
All by himself, what a big boy :)
Anyways- I couldn't get over how cute he was. Tim & I were so happy just watching him go up to the doors and get candy.
Afterwards we went back to Grandma's house, ate some dinner, Ryan had a bath, and played with Uncle Tom.
Tonight was so so fun and I'm already excited for next year! Happy Halloween everyone!