I named this post "Jake Tyler- 3 months" & my baby will be 4 months old in just FIVE days! Insane. I am so late posting his 3 month pictures and talking about him. Bad mommy. Jakey turned 3 months old on March 30th. I wanted some pictures of him with Easter eggs since Easter was just a week away. I know he's my baby, but I think he's just absolutely perfect.
He is starting to become so sweet. As you all know, weeks 2-5 were rough with his screaming and crying from his milk allergy. I have been dairy free for almost 3 months now! I miss ice cream and pizza, but I do it for my baby.
His second month of life was better than his first. It took us a short while to learn what he wants and when he wants it. He doesn't like wet diapers and he doesn't like to be hungry or sleepy. Change him when he's wet, feed him when he's hungry, swaddle him when he's sleepy and he's good to go.
For a little while I was feeling so guilty, I felt like I was spending most of my time with him just trying to make him happy. Now I spend my time enjoying him, snuggling him, singing to him and talking to him. It feels a lot better to enjoy him instead of always trying to fix what's wrong.
He's mastered giggling and definitely smiling. He's pretty much always happy now :) In the mornings he wakes up making a bunch of noise and just wiggling around instead of crying. I peek my head over into his bassinet and he gets the biggest smile. He smiles anytime he's sees us. He kicks his little legs in the air and just loves looking at Tim & I.
He loves sitting on the couch with us. Tim always tucks his blanket into the couch and lets him sit up. He rolls over as of 4/9. Just 3 months and 10 days old. He actually likes tummy time. We practice it at night after bath time and he just hangs out for a while on his tummy, holding his head up and looking around. He's always sticking his tongue out or shoving his hand in his mouth. Always drooling- I need to pull out the baby bibs and put them on him. He also loves bath time with Ryan.
Jake does not like having a wet diaper. Doesn't like falling asleep without a blanket touching his face. I still swaddle him. He pretty much always has a blanket. He doesn't like sitting in his car seat for long periods of time. Ryan and I used to shop allll the time. Jake likes staying home!
& He's absolutely perfect!