This post is dedicated to my baby, Ryan Michael.
Today you are two. It is so bittersweet. It's so incredible how your much your life has changed ours. I have had mixed emotions for the few days preparing for your birthday. I am excited to celebrate a new year of life with you. I am so proud of you, so amazed at your life and how in just two short years, you have changed the lives of many. How everyone who meets you falls in love with you. How your sweet little face can make so many lives happier, just because you are apart of it.
Before I had you, I knew I would love you. What I guess I didn't know, is how madly in love with you I would be. Both your daddy and I. You are a little ball of perfection wrapped into a two year old body.
I remember the feeling I felt at 4:55pm on June 16, 2010 when the doctor placed you into my arms. How you were just so beautiful. Your little face pulled at my heart strings and I knew that I would do anything for you. I would love you, teach you, guide you through life, and protect you. I was no longer living for myself, I was living for you.
We brought you home just two days later, and I will admit, I was terrified. I didn't know how to take care of you. I was afraid to change your diaper, to bathe you, to let you sleep too long, to drive in a car with you, the list just goes on and on.
In just a few short days, I learned quickly how to take care of you. I learned all about you while you learned all about your momma. We spent so much of our time snuggled up on the couch together. I never wanted to put you down. I cooked dinner holding you, I cleaned the house holding you, I did everything with you. I didn't want to leave your side (and two years later, I still hate leaving you.)
The first year of your life was incredible. You did so many things. You rolled over, said a few words, crawled, laughed, played for hours a day. I wanted to soak everything in. I wanted to remember everything so I created this blog so I could document our lives with you. One day, I hope you can look at this story of our lives and know how much you mean to us.
When you were brand new, Daddy used to get home from work late and scoop you out of your crib to wake you up and play because he missed you. There are days when we do that now, wake you up just to get in an extra kiss.
This picture sums up your first few months of life. We laid together all the time just looking at each other. I couldn't get enough of you.
You quickly turned into a little person instead of a tiny baby.
Last summer you turned one & we celebrated your first year of life. Mommy finally let you have cake and ice cream for the first time. We celebrated your birthday with family. You weren't walking around yet. You were still crawling and all you wanted was momma.
Year one was the best year of my life.
...Until year two came along.
You started walking. You started talking more. You started running around and laughing. You loved playing with your blocks and your cars. You started loving to read books. You wanted to spend more time outside, at the park or going on walks.
We took you to get your hair cut. And you've had many more sice your first one. You have the best light brown hair. We took you to your first circus where you just sat on our laps and enjoyed the show for a few hours. We took road trips to Yuma.
You became more independent, always wanting to feed yourself. Even throwing a fit sometimes when I tried to feed you myself. You were a big boy now and didn't always need my help. You were capable of playing for hours on end. We took you trick or treating at Grandma R's house and you wanted to walk up to the houses all by yourself.
When you were 18 months and 2 weeks old, you became a big brother. You and Jake soon became best buddies. You don't always like sharing your toys or your momma with him. But you do love sitting with him, giving him hugs and kisses. You love helping out with him, bringing us diapers, blankets, or pacifiers. You love when Jake wakes up from his nap.
You run around like crazy with your cousins. It's one of my favorite things to watch you play with Aiden and Rian. I look forward to watching all 4 of you play together for many, many years to come.
This past year I fell more in love with you than I ever thought possible. You are sweet and funny. You love to make people laugh. You're affectionate and love to give hugs and kisses. I love holding your hand walking down the street.
Some of your favorite things are:
-Your blankets, you give them to us every morning when we take you out of your crib.
-You still love watching Barney and will more than likey stop whatever you're doing as soon as you hear the theme song.
-Taking walks. I ask if you want to go outside and you run over and open the closet door and sit in your cop car.
-You love your milk.
-Counting! We count everything. I can trick you into almost anything just by counting. You let me brush your hair if I start counting the strokes and you even clean up when I count how many toys you've put away.
- Your favorite foods are rice, beans, and applesauce.
-You love drinking out of straws and especially love when we get sodas from Circle K.
Some things I love about you:
-I love the way you fake laugh and scrunch up your nose when everyone around you is laughing
-The way you bend your arms in front of you and wiggle your butt when you walk.
-The way you will stop crying and say "up" when you want us to hold you.
-Watching you steal Jakey's blanket in the car, makes me laugh every time.
-How putting on shoes when I put on your pajamas has become bedtime routine.
-The way you point to the animals in your "Baa Baa" book and make animal sounds.
- The way you always sneak peeks at your food when we wash your hands before eating.
-After brushing your teeth you scoop water in your hands and put it in your mouth.
- Everything.
We had an incredible year with you, watching you learn and grow. I am so excited to watch you grow even more this year. I can't believe you are two. It's hard to believe that my life has been blessed with you for two years now. I hope you always know how amazing you are.
Happy second birthday to the love of my life.
And I thought I loved you then...