Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 113

Tonight I made my first homemade baby food for Ryan.  Pears!  I only had 1 1/2 pears.  It was actually pretty fun!  I got so excited after I had pureed them in the magic bullet and ran upstairs to show Tim. haha.  I can't wait to buy more fruits and vegetables to make Ryan some more food.


  1. I sent you a picture of the first [well second because my first time wasn't a success] time I made food, it was carrots. I was sooo excited!

  2. I really want to make my own baby food this time! :o)

  3. Rebecca- I remember that picture!

    & Brittany- make it! I'm hoping Ryan likes it! He will get it tomorrow morning for breakfast. I'm excited to make more.
