Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 144

These ultrasound pictures were taken a year ago today, on January 27, 2010.  I was 20 weeks pregnant.  We went in for our gender ultrasound.  Even though we found out at 13 weeks that Ryan was a boy.  I was nervous to go into the ultrasound.  I was hoping and praying that Ryan was still a boy, and I was a little nervous that he had somehow changed into a girl!  I was so relieved when the ultrasound tech did indeed, confirm that Ryan was still a boy.

Tim's mom came to the ultrasound with us.  Ryan was so perfect.  He was measuring perfectly.  He was wiggling and jumping around.  We saw him drinking, yawn, wave, move his little legs.  Amazing.

& Here he is, a whole year later.  Now 7 months 1 week and 4 days old.  He's still perfect and he's still amazing.


  1. YAY! I just noticed he was sitting on his own! Go Ryan!

  2. That picture of his hand is still.. and will probably always be my fave ultrasound picture.

  3. I had those pictures on my fridge until I replaced them with pictures of him outside of your body! :) I remember you sending them to me and I was all teary and excited! I love that boy.
