Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 176

Playing with blocks while Mommy makes dinner.

Ryan does this new weird scooting thing.  He lays on his tummy, rolls to one side and and raises his arm up like he's about to go swimming and then he does it on the other side.  He looks like he swims to his toys while he pushes up on his feet and lunges forward.  Probably doesn't make any sense at all but it's so so cute.

Tim & I booked Elyse's flight tickets for her next visit.  She will be here April 22-30.  Can't wait to see my baby girl!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 175

This picture is funny.  But it's the only one I have!

(Almost) every weekend, Tim & I nap when Ryan naps.  I laid Ryan down at 11:45am for his nap.  Tim & I fell asleep at noon.   We both woke up at 2 and Ryan was STILL sleeping.  His naps aren't usually over 2 hours.  I freaked out and made Tim go wake him up.  I always jump to the conclusion that something is wrong when he naps over 2 hours.

After we woke up, we got dressed and went to the Rodeo.  We were really late.  They didn't make us pay since there was only about 45 minutes left.  We got there just in time for the barrell races and some bull riding.  Ryan loved the animals.  In the picture above, we were sitting there watching the bulls.  My pink sleeves are wrapped around Ryan.  It was pretty cold.

It was fun & next year we have to make sure to get there early to watch the whole thing.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 174

Ryan slept in til 10 this morning!  I have not slept in that late since before he was born!  It was crazy.  I woke up and was wondering if he was still breathing.  Because we were at the carnival last night, Ryan stayed up an hour and a half past his bedtime.  Surprisingly, he was still good and not cranky at all.  We came home, he ate, and I put him to bed and he fell asleep.  He also woke up twice in the middle of the night last night, which he never does.  Tim woke up first and brought him to me both times.  I nursed him and he fell asleep quickly and I put him back into his crib.  & then he slept til 10.

I had a huge list of stuff I wanted to do this weekend.  Okay, it probably wasn't so "huge" but it felt like it.  I needed to:
-Fill up my gas tank at QT before the price of gas went up any higher
-Get a few groceries that I forgot about when we went grocery shopping last weekend
-Buy Ryan a big boy car seat (go to BRU to make sure it fits in my car first!)
-Look up plane tickets for Elyse's Easter visit.
-Eat Subway since I've been craving it for days
-Get some new black eye liner
-Buy myself some Summer tank tops
-Vacuum the house
-Buy Ryan a hamper
-Pay bills
-Laundry + dishes

Yeah- it wasn't as long as it seemed when I had to run to a bunch of different places.  However, everything is done!  && I am so excited about Ryan's new car seat!  We got him the Graco Myride 65- same as my best friend, Rebecca's.  Happy that he can sit rear facing until 40lbs.  I'm not sure if I want Ryan sitting in it yet.  He technically can, but he still falls asleep in his infant seat and it's easier to just carry the seat.  We will see.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 173

I'm a lucky Momma, with 2 handsome boys.

There is a carnival at my school this weekend for Rodeo Break.  After I gave Ryan a bath, we all walked to my school.  It's about a 5 minute walk.  It's RIGHT next door.  Miss Maria (a Title One teacher) watched Ryan for a little while so Tim and I could go on a few rides.  We went on 3.  Rides are SO much different now that we're older.  They were so fun, but I wanted to throw up afterwards.  Miss Maria took Ryan on his first carnival ride!  They went on a train, I was totally one of those moms that waved at my child every time he went by me.  He's so cute.  It was nice hanging out with Tim.  This was my first time giving Ryan up for a little while, besides work.  Ryan has gone wherever I go since he's been born.

After the carnival we stopped by Redbox and picked up The Back Up Plan.  I thought it was soo cute!  Makes me miss my baby belly even more than I already do.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 172

I made it a point to delete some pictures off one of the memory cards, to take some pictures of my beautiful baby.  I got to stay home with Ryan all day today. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 171

I am totally cheating today.  I didn't take any pictures.  Tim & I have 4 memory cards, 1gb, 2gb, 4gb, and 8gb.  They are all full.  We both don't delete pictures off of them either.  Well, I'll delete some of them but not pictures of Elyse and Ryan.  Sooo-- We need new memory cards!  Maybe I'll put that on my to-do list for tomorrow.

So Instead, I am posting a picture from almost a year ago.  This was taken on Feb 25, I was 24w1d pregnant.  I miss my baby belly.  I have been missing it a lot lately.  I want another baby, sometime.

Tim stayed home with Ryan today.  Wednesday is early out day, I got home at noon.  I took Ryan to the doctor.  He is getting big and is still perfect.  I took him to Target to get him some new socks.  We went grocery shopping and I bought lots of stuff to drink, we only had milk.  Came home, played, ate dinner, played, bath, and bed.  Not too exciting, but I love the life I live with my boys :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 168

Daddy caught Ryan playing with lotion!

We spent the day w/ my parents.  Lots of shopping & Long John Silvers. Yuuum.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 167

Ryan got to play with Grandma and Grandpa Henderson today!  They came into town from Yuma for the weekend to see him.  This is Ryan smiling up at his Grandpa.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 166

We went shopping today after we got off of work.  I wanted to get Ryan some new jeans.  He doesn't have any 6-9 jeans, and I like jeans more than I like the cotton pants.  Well- I didn't find any jeans that I liked but I did find a cute bathing suit, with a matching hat and flip flops, some dinosaur pajamas from the Children's Place, and two new Fisher Price toys!   Maybe I'll find some jeans tomorrow.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 165


When I was pregnant, I started getting anxiety towards the end.  Wondering how I would be able to provide for this new baby and buy him everything he needs.  I would count his clothes to make sure he had enough.  Which he had WAY more than enough.  I was always buying diapers and wipes.  The whole top shelf of his closet was filled with diapers when I brought him home.  This is all I have left now.  This is about half of his closet.  The Bed Bath & Beyond bag are also size 2s.  They are rolled up because they are the diapers my mom used to make a diaper cake for my baby shower.  Even though he still has a lot left, I feel like he doesn't since he used to have so much more.

You can even see all the hangers in his closet.  Again, only half the closet.  He has his newborn & 0-3 all folded neatly put into a tub.  His 3-6 are still in his dresser as that is the size he is in.  His 6-9 & 12m, some 18m and even 24m/2T are what is hanging in the closet. 

I loove shopping for Ryan.  I actually just got off Children's Place website (favorite baby clothing strore!)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 163

Ryan got this giraffe for Christmas from his Grandma Henderson.  The first few times we played with it, he would always grab for a ball and try and shove it in his mouth.  I would always stretch his hand out to try and put them into the giraffes mouth.  After practicing quite a few times.  Ryan finally gets it :)

Step 1.  Wait for the ball.

Step 2.  Grab it when it comes out.

Step 3: Reach up tall and try to aim for the giraffe's mouth.

Step 4: Let go.

 Step 5: Watch the ball go around in circles down to the bottom.

Step 6: Repeat steps 1-5 all over again. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 162

I think everything Ryan does is the cutest thing ever.  We were going to a walk today and I loved the way he just had his hands resting on his legs.

I had a good Valentine's Day.  If you ever don't feel loved and appreciated, you need to be an elementary school teacher on Valentine's Day.  Little kids are just so sweet.  Not to mention I got lots and lots of chocolate.  Yum.  I love chocolate and sweets!  We had our class Valentine's party at 2:00 this afternoon, and Tim showed up with Bubba.  Made my whole day that much better.  Bubby & Daddy showed up with my Valentine's day presents.  My kids love Ryan!  He gets so much attention and two of my girls brought a little Valentine card for him, it was cute.  

After work today, we attempted Valentine pictures.  However, Ryan was everywhere.  He did not want to sit up, he kept trying to lay down and roll over.  He would not stay still!  & after like 10 minutes he started getting crabby.  We might have to attempt Valentine pictures a day late, or maybe even 2 days late.  

Anyways, Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 160

Always playing :)

We went to Babies R Us today.  Auntie Kim came and met us there,  Ryan was happy to see her.  Got some new bottles for Ryan.  I'm alawys pumping and sometimes the Medela bottles are all in the fridge full of milk, so we got some more of them.  & We picked out toys for Elyse.

I put Ryan on my bed with a bunch of toys and he sat and played for an hour while I watched this weeks episode of Jersey Shore.  He's getting easier and easier everyday.  I also noticed that he doesn't take a pacifier anymore.  Tim & I used to give it to him a lot when he was smaller, every time he made a peep.  But he's always so content and he doesn't ever really cry, so we don't give it to him anymore.  I've tried a few times- but he always takes it out.  So I think it's time to gather them up and put them away.  I'm a little sad about it, but at least I don't have to wean him off of them when he is older.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 159

Rolling around with Grandma & Auntie Jenn.
I didn't take any pictures today.  Auntie Jenn sent this to me on my phone. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 158

Hi Momma, how come YOU'RE not feeding me my momma milk?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 157

Tim, Ryan, & I went to the mall tonight to try and find Ryan something to wear for Valentine's Day pictures.  We found a cute little outfit, but could not find nice dress shoes!  We had his feet measured at Dillards and he is a size 1.  The smallest cute dress shoes we could find were a size 3.  Boo.  They have the cutest little Nikes at Dillards- I want to go back and get them for Ryan!

After the mall, we went to Target to get Ryan some sunglasses.  On the way home I let Ryan play with his food container.  Well, he fell asleep with it.  When Tim brought him into the house, we both laughed at him because he was still sleeping & still holding onto the container.  I took it away before I took him out of his seat.

& we laughed even more because his arm was still up like he was holding onto something. haha.  So cute.

Tim is going to take Ryan's Valentine pictures tomorrow!  I can't wait to see how they turn out & I'll share them tomorrow night.

PS.  Love Wednesdays- took over an hour nap with my baby today :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 156

Ryan got two Valentine's Day cards in the mail today!  One from Grandma & one from Miss Peyton!

I didn't let him touch the photo Vday card from Peyton.  She's too pretty to let him eat it all up.

& then he wanted to play around with the balls to his ball pit he got from Grandma Rios for Christmas.

Oooh & tonight, I was snuggling Ryan on our rocker and he said "dadaba." Tim & I got so excited because he has never made the "B" sound before.  I kept saying it to him, but he didn't say it again.  When Tim was walking him upstairs to lay him down, Ryan said "ba" again.  Aw!  So excited for new sounds :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 155

This picture is so old.  & taken with my super old camera phone.

Had to post it because today, 4 years ago, Tim & I met. <3
& We've been hanging out every since!

Celebrating with a home cooked meal & some Redbox.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 154

Reading his book from Auntie Becca during the Super Bowl.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 153

Lounging with Daddy at Grandma & Grandpa's house.  Like my new shoes?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 152

I took the blanket off of him, so you could see his sleep sack :)  I think sleep sacks look so silly & soso cute on little babies.

He fell asleep on his tummy tonight.  I think this is only the third time he has fallen asleep on his tummy. The other two, I got so nervous about it, that I turned him over to his back.  This time, I decided he can finally sleep on his tummy if he wants to.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Say 151

Went to the store tonight to buy Bubba some higher calorie foods to fatten him up!  Hope he likes it.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 149

August 2007- day I met her :)

August 2007

September 2008

April 2009

June 2009

December 2009

June 2010

Jan 2011

This is my other baby.  Elyse Ariana.  I don't have as much pictures of her because she lives in Chicago. We don't get pictures throughout the year, so we only have what we take when she's here.  She is the third love of my life. 

Likes: Disney channel, singing, Joe's Crab Shack, the library, Pump It Up, snuggling with Daddy, playing with Ryan, going to the park, littlest pet shop, writing notes in her notebook, reading books, being crafty, drawing, fashion design, animals, pretzels, eating ice, staying up late, flip flops, gymnastics, being outside, dolls, moxie girls, pasta, lime green, peace signs.

Dislikes: having wet hair, taking baths, brushing her hair, most meat, shirts that are too big or too small- must fit just right, not having her shoelaces tight enough, being late, nonfiction stories, ketchup.