Always playing :)
We went to Babies R Us today. Auntie Kim came and met us there, Ryan was happy to see her. Got some new bottles for Ryan. I'm alawys pumping and sometimes the Medela bottles are all in the fridge full of milk, so we got some more of them. & We picked out toys for Elyse.
I put Ryan on my bed with a bunch of toys and he sat and played for an hour while I watched this weeks episode of Jersey Shore. He's getting easier and easier everyday. I also noticed that he doesn't take a pacifier anymore. Tim & I used to give it to him a lot when he was smaller, every time he made a peep. But he's always so content and he doesn't ever really cry, so we don't give it to him anymore. I've tried a few times- but he always takes it out. So I think it's time to gather them up and put them away. I'm a little sad about it, but at least I don't have to wean him off of them when he is older.
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