When I went to pick Ryan up after work. I was reading Tim's baby book & he tried homemade spaghetti for the first time at 8m. So, I decided that I wanted Ryan to try spaghetti too! - But not homemade, Beech-Nut stage 3. I'm too nervous to give Ryan any real food. I like him eating baby food. Daddy was so excited to watch as well, he loves spaghetti. Tonight was also the first time I let Ryan play in his food. I always keep him nice and clean. After he was done with his spaghetti- I put a little glob on his tray. Which he LOVED. He was smearing it, picking it up, moving it with his fingers, It got all ove the entire tray. I love just watching him learn new things. It was so cute to watch him try and pick up the little pieces with his fingers. He's so sweet :)
Ryan's first pair of 6-9 stretchies! I LOVE Children's Place pajamas. They are my favorite. I just washed his new clothes last night and was so excited to put these jammies on him. They look so cute.
I spent a lot of time today just staring at Ryan. He is pretty much perfect.
I love those jammies! I did the same thing today, stared at Rian for so long and thought about how perfect she is. :)