Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 293

Spent the whole day hanging out with my mom.  After dinner tonight, we wanted some ice cream.  We went to McDonalds and all got McFlurries.  I was a little (or a lot) disappointed when we ordered larges, and they gave us smalls!  Apparently, they no longer have larges, only smalls or snack size.  We wanted ice cream!


  1. McDonalds totally bums me out now because all of their menu boards show the calorie counts. It takes all the fun out of it! I don't want to know how many calories are in my junk food!

  2. That's what you get for going to McDonalds for ICE CREAM! Go to an ice cream place next time. :)

  3. I know! We wanted Dairy Queen- but it's too far away. My cup wasn't even filled to the top. I was so bummed! McDonalds so should not let you know how much calories their food has.
