Does anyone ever notice how Ryan is never looking at me in pictures? It's pretty much impossible to take good pictures of a mobile baby. Ryan is good at making eye contact and looks at me when I call his name. Then he sees the camera and he somehow doesn't hear me calling his name anymore or sitting right in front of him waiting to take a picture.
I'm going to be honest, I never thought I would put my kid in one of these swim t-shirt things. Whatever they are called. But Ryan did look pretty cute. Plus we were going to a water park today and I didn't want him to burn. Tim, Ryan, and I went to the water park today with all the people from Summer Camp at my school. I had been working there this summer part time. Mostly 2 days a week, and I took off Elyse's last week so I could spend time with her. Anyways, today was the last day of camp so we tagged along. They have a little kiddie area, so we mostly stayed in there. The water is like 8 inches deep so Ryan could crawl around. I caught him trying to drink the water a few times. Gross. We also spent a little bit of time in the wave pool. We sat at the beginning of it and I put Ryan in between my legs. He just sat there and his little arms went flapping every time a wave came. He loved it. Every time we do something fun as a family of three, one of us always says "I wish Elyse was here." It just isn't fair that she misses out on so much of our every day lives. I am so glad that Tim & I will never have to share Ryan and all future children we have together.
After the water park, we came home for about an hour and then went to the swap meet. I don't know what it is about the swap meet, but Tim & I love going. We never buy anything really. It's just fun to walk around and look at things and Ryan loves to be pushed around in his stroller looking too.
I didn't even notice it was a swim shirt, it looks like a regular one!