Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 334

I only had to work 2.5 hours today!  I left work at about 11:30 to come home and finish packing.  We are headed to Yuma today to go camping at the lake for the weekend!  Tim had some work to do at home before we left.  We stopped at Subway along the way and the people who worked there were sooooo slow.  It was horrible!  I didn't make Ryan take a nap before we left so that he could sleep in the car.  He only slept like 45 minutes in the car!  He definitely isn't a baby anymore.  He doesn't always fall asleep in the car like he used to when he was little.  He used to sleep the whole way!  He got really cranky like the last 45 minutes, so Daddy pulled over so I could sit in the back and entertain Ryan.  He loves Mommy :)  We had fun making faces at each other and tickling him.  We didn't arrive at my mom's house til about 7:45.  We still needed to eat dinner so Tim went to Chile Pepper and got us 10 bean and cheese burritos.  Yuuuum. 
Ryan was so cute, he kept coming up to me with his mouth open because he wanted a bite.  He is so our baby loving those bean and cheese burritos, just like mommy and daddy.

So excited to be out of the car and be able to crawl all over Grandma's big house!

Snuggling on mommy's leg.

Milk!  Yum.

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