I always thought I would want Ryan to stay a little baby forever. I'd always get sad when he got older, a week old, a month, 2 months, 6 months, 1 year, etc. etc. But everyday he just gets cuter, he's funnier, he's fun to play with, he laughs all the time. I'm loving all these new things he can do and understand. I love to watch him walk around the house. I like seeing which direction he will go in and which toys he plays with. He loves all his trucks and cars the most. He pushes them around the house for hours. He gets so excited when I let him crawl up the stairs, he comes running into the bathroom when it's time for a bath and he hears the water running, He (usually) sits perfectly still when we change his diaper or put clothes on him. When you say "thank you," he will walk over to you and give you what's in his hands. He'll watch tv when he's in his high chair eating, but not when he's playing. I'm loving his personality and watching him grow everyday. Sometimes I look back at pictures and miss the little baby he used to be.

I miss swaddling him.
I miss how poofy his hair would get after we washed it.
I miss the bassinet on my side of the bed & the little mittens.
Naps on the couch.
Sometimes I miss how cute he was with his pacifier- although I am glad we got rid of it at 7.5 months.
The boppy! It still sits next to my bed even though I don't use it.
Sitting so nicely in the bumbo.
Laying around.
Sucking his thumb. We only saw him do it maybe 3 or 4 times- but it was pretty cute.
& the little baby fist pumpin!
Love being Ryan's mommy.
awe this made me sad ! I cant believe how big he is. I miss him lots.
ReplyDelete:( I read this already and I pouted. I'm still pouting. Jillian and Dylan came over today and I felt so sad holding her, I want to be you- pregnant and having a little baby soon. I know it just can't happen though. Enjoy every last second.
ReplyDelete[I was going to say this made me sad but SOMEBODY stole my line. Dang people stealing thoughts these days. ;)]