Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A week without blogger

I actually miss writing in this thing every single day.  I've even skipped a few days without taking a picture of Ryan!  I think I need more pictures of Ryan.  I don't like only taking 2 or 3 pictures of him a day.  He's my baby, and I want to remember these days forever.  Nothing too exciting going on here. I had to sweep and mop the floor the other day so I turned on some cartoons and put animal crackers in a little bowl for Ryan, and he actually sat on the floor and ate them!  I was so impressed.

I've never just let him sit on the floor and eat, he's always in his high chair.  But he sat and ate and didn't even try getting up until all his crackers were done.  Speaking of crackers, I call them "cookies" just because cookies sounds more, I don't know the word, exciting?, than a cracker, half the time I call Ryan he completely ignores me but if I ask "Ryan, do you want a cookie?"  He will turn around and smile and walk over to me with his arm reached out.  Now I know that he has selective hearing when I tell him he can't play with the Bluray player and the sound system.  What a little booger.  He is getting better at listening when I call his name, which in this house is a lot of different things.  I'm not quite sure how Tim comes up with all these ridiculous names for Ryan, but they always stick.  It's usually "Wubby" or "wubdub" now.  It's pretty sad that my baby turns his head when he hears "Wubby."

Ryan now takes the frog's back off of his Boon Pod Frog toy holder thingy or whatever it's called.  After manuevering it for a good 3-4 minutes, he figured it out and can now take it off like a pro.  He was probably wondering why I was always jipping him and only putting out a few toys during bathtime.

Bathtime.  Does anyone else think it's gross that kids don't get baths everyday?  I started giving Ryan a bath everyday the day after he turned a month old.  That's when I started his whole bedtime routine which works oh so perfectly now, so if your baby is NOT in a specific bedtime routine- start one!  Do I think it's necessary for a 1 month old to bathe everyday?  Eh, probably not.  I mostly did it for the routine for Ryan.  He's older now, he plays, he goes outside everytime we open the back or front door, he gets food all over himself, he gets into everything.  My kid needs to take a bath everyday!  I find it pretty disgusting when big kids don't bathe everyday- they run!  They sweat!  They smell!  Their feet turn black!  Yuck!  Make your kid take a bath.  We also brush Ryan's teeth every night, I am big on clean teeth and clean bodies. 

This picture is funny, Tim had a shoot last weekend and Ryan wanted to join so he hopped onto the backdrop and did a little pose.  Cheeeeese.

The weather here has been SO nice- on Sunday I took Ryan for a walk at 3 in the afternoon!  I haven't been able to do that in months.  Good thing I did because it rained for hours that night.  It always feels like something is missing when we don't go for walks at night.  We love walks :)

I've been looking at lots of mommy/baby pictures on Pinterest lately, wondering why I don't have any "good" pictures of me and my little man.  I woke up on Saturday and asked Tim to take pictures of Ryan and I.  I want maternity pictures this time around too.  Maternity pictures never crossed my mind when I was pregnant with Ryan until Loni took them with baby P, by that time I was too fat and gross to want any pictures. 

I love them :)  They make me smile.

& Lastly- speaking of my good friend Loni, she is hosting a giveaway on her blog for Butt Paste!  Check out her giveaway here!  & if you don't follow her blog already- you should.

I woke up early this morning so I could FINALLY write in this thing, and now my time is up and I have to go to work.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan is so handsome. I need to print new pics of him and some new ones of P. I am lazy.

    You look so pretty in the pics of you two (well, three). I love you guys.

    And I am your "food friend" lol that made me laugh.
