Wednesday, October 5, 2011


6 months pregnant with number 2!  (This is from Monday, when I was exactly 6 months.)

6 months with Ryan!

How am I already 6 months pregnant?  I guess it flies by when I'm working all day and then coming home to Ryan and playing all night.

I had my check-up today.  I've gained 18 pounds total so far.  I was bummed that I scheduled my appointment today at 2:30- during Ryan's naptime so Tim & Ryan couldn't come.  Boo.  I made my next 2 appointments at 3:30 though so they can come with me.  I heard his perfect little heartbeat.  Hearing the baby's heartbeat always makes me smile.  How does that sound ever get old?  It's so amazing.  The baby wiggles inside my tummy alll the time.  I love it.  It's not totally uncomfortable to lay on my tummy just yet.  Some days it is but not always.

Dr. Riley told me that I was 2/3 of the way done with my pregnancy.  I didn't even realize it.  But I calculated it, and I guess I'm exactly 2/3 done today at 26w3d.  We are going to deliver at a different hospital this time since my dr switched hospitals, we still need to make our appointment to tour the hospital.

Yesterday at work 2 people asked me if I was pregnant.  I thought I've been showing forever, but apparently not.  My belly is big enough that people want to touch it, which I don't mind at all- I never minded with Ryan either.  In fact it makes me happy.  At home sometimes I'll lift up my shirt and Ryan will come over and smack my tummy.  He loves his little brother already <3


  1. Haha Ryan makes me laugh!

    When I saw your picture my eyeballs got big! Your belly's grown a lot since the last picture.

    We took Aiden to my first appointment with Rian and he was sooo crazy, after that I went by myself except for my ultrasound. It always made me sad going alone.

  2. Hi there. You are so cute! Congrats on being pregnant with #2! you look fabulous. Found you thru some of my mom blogging friends and now following. I have a 3 yr old and 6 month old and talk about them:) following you. Would the follow at Ps, I'm currently doing a giveaway for an amber teething necklace and kids personalized labels if interested:)
