I have been looking forward to Thanksgiving for so long. I get 5 days off of work and we were going to spend the holiday with my family in Yuma. Plus, my brother, Mike, was coming into town to surprise my parents. We haven't seen him since my wedding in May 2008. We didn't get to Yuma until a little after midnight on Tuesday night. Ryan slept the entire way there and woke up as soon as I took him out of his carseat. But that's okay, he got to play with Grandma!
Wednesday was nice, we slept in until after 10! I love sleeping. My dad picks up Aiden and Rian on Wednesdays and brings them back to my parents's house. I love those babies. & So does Ryan :) He had fun running around with Aiden and having screaming contests. Ri loves food and Ryan loves sharing. He was sharing his carrots with her. Yum.
Thanksgiving this year was so fun! My parents were keeping Ryan busy with straws and a container while I showered.
Steven, Rebecca, Aiden, Rian, and Mike came over a little after 2. It was pretty emotional watching Mike walk into the dining room and my mom seeing him, I felt like I couldn't breathe. 3.5 years is way to long. We were all so excited to see him.
The Hendersons :)
Ryan's Thanksgiving desert.
Ryan being a grump. Just like last year when we tried to take a family picture! He wanted to play.
It's pretty much impossible to get a decent picture with 3 toddlers...
After dinner we watched our babies play. It makes my heart smile to watch them play together.
Around 10:30 or so, Mom, Haley, and I went Black Friday Shopping! Last year I couldn't go during the middle of the night because I was nursing Ryan. It was fun to go this year. I don't know what it is, but I love to Black Friday Shop. I started in 2008 with Tim's mom, went in 2009 with my mom, and then again this year. We hit up Walmart, Toys R Us, Target, Old Navy, and Kohls. We had to drop Haley off at home between Target and Old Navy because she was tired. But I got almost everything I had on my list. Except the diapers and wipes at Toys R Us, we got there around midnight and they were already sold out! Boo. Ryan is completely shopped for. I just need a few more things for Elyse and the other special little people in my life.
3 hours of sleep was not fun when Ryan woke up at 8am the next morning. My mom woke up around 10 and then I went back to bed.
Sharing cookie dough.. mmm..
Friday afternoon my mom put up the Christmas tree & the babies helped decorate. Aiden was pretty good sticking the ornaments on the branches. Ryan was watching him and wanted to help, my mom would give him an ornament and he would just lay it on the branch :)
Begging for blueberries.
The next day Mike had to leave :( He took Ryan on a little skateboard ride before he left.
Tim & I were having lunch at Chile Pepper and when we got back to my parents' house my mom had a surprise baby shower for me! --(next post, I'm tired.)
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