I debated doing the "30 Days of Me" for a few days because this blog isn't about me. I made it for Ryan- and now, Jake. It's mostly for me to remember life with my babies. For friends and family to catch up on how the babies are doing since they don't get to see them everyday. & you know, for the lurkers who don't really care about my babies but are just too nosey to leave my blog alone. :)
Anyways- Day 1 is 20 random facts, let's see how I do
1. I did tap dance for a year in 6th grade, I gave it up to cheer. Looking back I wish I didn't quit, but I can still tap dance now!
2. I have wanted to be a pediatrician since the 4th grade but all the science classes in college were horrendous. I took a Children's Literacy class and had to volunteer in a first grade class for 2 hours a week. I fell in love and found my calling.
3. I became a step mom to a 6 year old at the age of 23.
4. In high school my favorite color was red and I would always "wear red for the week." My favorite color is still red but I like purple now too.
5. My favorite animal became a giraffe the summer after I graduated high school when my mom's whole side of the family went to the San Diego zoo and I fell in love with the giraffes.
6. In high school I used to have cheetos and chocolate milk every day after school.
7. The first two questions I ever asked Tim were, "What's your name?" & "Do you smoke?"
8. The tag on my comforter always needs to be at the bottom of Tim's side of the bed. If he makes it wrong- I always fix it.
9. I got glasses in February of 4th grade and contacts in September of my freshman year of high school.
10. I've been blogging since the end of 2002! RIP Livejournal. Just kidding- I still have mine.
11. I know multiplication facts off the top of my head but still use my fingers to add or subtract.
12. I eat a bowl of cereal at least 5 days a week.
13. My toenails are ALWAYS painted. I think the last time they weren't pained were maybe early high school days. I can't even remember.
14. I have 8 tattoos and they all have special meaning. My favorite one is on the back of the neck and I always forget it's there.
15. I was the same exact weight the days I gave birth to Ryan & Jake.
16. I grade all of my papers at work with a marker. I think it's more noticable than a red pen.
17. I was afraid to learn how to drive. My mom actually MADE me drive one night from Miller's Outpost to home.
18. I love the sound of the vacuum and find it soothing.
19. I do not like odd numbers. At all. I am so glad both of my babies have even numbered birthdays!! 6/16 and 12/30.
20. I hardly ever cut my hair, only about 2-3 times a year.
Geez- that was harder than I thought. But there you have it- 20 things that maybe you didn't know about me.