What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
1. My Family. Obviously. I have so much fun spending time with my babies. Sure they cry and their messy, but they are mine and they are perfect. Ryan is so much fun. Yesterday I was chasing him around the house just so Casey and I could watch him run. He has the cutest little run. He's starting to say more and more words every day. He gives Tim & I kisses even when we don't ask for them. He adores his little brother. Jake is starting to smile all the time and laugh. This morning I could hear Jake wiggling around in his bassinet so I peeked over the side and he gave me the biggest gummy grin. Every time I smiled at him he smiled right back. I often find myself staring at my babies and just thinking about how lucky I am. I don't talk about Tim too much in here, but he deserves some credit too. We've been together over 5 years now and I still catch myself checking him out. Haha, he's so handsome. He makes me happy too. Sometimes he drives me crazy, but I'd rather him drive me crazy than be happy with anyone else.
2. Upcoming Events! Next week is Spring Break! I get out of school at 11:30am on Tuesday and have the rest of the week off! I have looked up some story times for the days I have off & I've been able to find one for everyday. Awesome. Wednesday is Toddler Time @ the library. Thursday they are having a story time at the mall in the kids' play place with the Easter Bunny and an Easter egg hunt (most excited about this one.) Friday they have a story time at Bookmans (used book store) followed by coloring. We've been there twice already.
& Easter! We have a 4 day weekend for Easter and we're going to visit my parents in Yuma. Easter is my favorite holiday (besides Christmas.) My mom hasn't seen Jake since he was 17 days old. Aiden & Rian will be there. I can't wait to do an Easter egg hunt. Ryan totally understood the Easter egg hunt last year at 9m old so I think he will love it even more this year. That weekend the fair will also be in town, and I'm excited to see the babies all ride rides together!
3. The Weather. The past few weekends have been so nice outside. We've been able to spend time outside playing and walking around. Ryan's face lights up and he runs to the front door every time I ask him if he wants to go outside.
4. My Job. I am extremely blessed to have the best job ever hanging out with 27 amazing little people. I am their teacher, their nurse, and their friend. It is my responsibility to teach these children. Not only academics, but how to build character and be a good citizen.
5. Books. I have so many good books at home that need to be read! Ryan and I go to the library a lot to check out books. A couple weeks ago a fellow second grade teacher brought in a bag of books that she told me I could keep. I love reading and getting lost in a good book. This past weekend Ryan got 7 new books and he loves them as well. He brings us books all the time to read to him. At night he walks over to me holding onto a book and sits in my lap waiting for me to turn the pages and read aloud to him.
I got 'Sing You Home' today!