1. Tell us what you studied in college. Is your job now related to what you studied?
When I first went to U of A, my major was classified as "pre-nursing." I wanted to be a pediatric nurse and then go on to pediatrics. Well, after two years, I didn't like it anymore. The classes weren't fun, they weren't interesting, I didn't enjoy what I was doing or what I was learning. After an elective class, "Literacy Tutoring," I had to volunteer in a classroom for 1-2 hours a week. Well, I volunteered in a K/1 combo class. I swear as I walked into the classroom for the first time, I found my calling. I knew what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. After completing my second year I met with an advisor and switched my major over to Elementary Education. I loved my classes, I loved the volunteer hours. What I was learning didn't seem like so much work anymore, I WANTED to learn and I wanted to go to class.
I got offered a job teaching second grade right around the time I was graduating. I am now in my 5th year teaching second grade. Yes, my career is what I studied in college.
2. Tell us what your everyday job looks like.
I can tell you what I am doing/teaching every minute of everyday. I teach math, reading, language arts, science, social studies, and writing to 26 second graders. I grade papers and write lesson plans. I see lots of smiles and laughs. I get recess everyday and lots of time off. Basically, I have the best job in the world :)
3. Do you have a picture of you at work? Show us.
I'm not sure. Let me search around, I'm sure I can find something.
That took me a little while. The date is written on the board, Oct 2007. This was me during my methods semester. The following semester was student teaching. This is the same I student taught in. They were first graders who are now 6th graders. This is not my classroom. I have a ton of pictures of my kids, but none of me actually teaching or in them.
4. In 10 years, what do you see yourself doing? Same thing? More? Tell us.
I love my job and I love what I do. I see myself teaching in 10 years and even 20 years. In fact, I have to teach until I'm 60 to get good retirement benefits. That's 32 more years! haha. I don't plan on ever going into administration.
5. Tell us what you have learned, and what {if any} recommendations you may have for those looking to go into the field you are in.
I have learned so much. I don't think teaching is for everybody, and I know that most people wouldn't be able to do what I do every day. I find joy in what I do. I think people who teach have big hearts. One thing I have definitely learned is patience. Teaching 26 7/8 year olds takes a lot of patience and flexibility. If anyone is truly passionate about teaching, I say go for it. Kids need great teachers and people they can look up to.
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