The day before Valentine's Day marks the 6th year anniversary of Tim & I's first date. On February 13, 2007 we went on our first date to TGI Fridays after knowing each other for 6 days. 2 days prior to our first date was the first time we hung out outside of working at the mall down the hall from each other. We went to a bar called Cow Pony- danced and drank some beer. Him with his Miller Lite & me with my Bud Lite. We talked, I watched him play pool against my friend Kayla. That night, we went back to my house where he kissed me for the first time on my couch. We talked about everything and decided we should go out on a real date. I picked TGI Fridays.
A few days nights later I rummaged threw my roommate's closet and picked out a blue tank top with gray circles all over it and called my mom while I waited for Tim to pick me up. He picked me up right on time in his black Honda. When we got to the restaurant he ordered fajitas and I got chicken fingers and fries. We spent the whole night talking and I was instantly hooked.
... Fast forward 6 years and two babies later... it was February 13th again and Tim & I made plans to celebrate the anniverary of our first date. He told me he had called his brother earlier in the day to ask if he would watch the kids. I was a little sad at first, until they started whining and holding onto my legs for the next half hour.. then I was excited to spend some alone time with my husband since we don't get very much of that.
We drove the 45 minutes out to his brother's house. We were going to go to Fridays again but decided against it since it would take another half hour to get there. So we stayed on the other side of town and picked "Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill."
I felt like I had so much free time without trying to have to entertain two kids, pick out goodies from the diaper bag, feed babies, clean up babies, etc, etc, etc.. The list is never ending when taking two babies out to eat. We could actually just sit there and talk. It was nice. The burgers and fries were good.
We decided to walk a little through the mall. Tim then told me he wanted to see a movie. I looked down at my watch and it was already 7:19 and I said it might be too late because Jake can be a grump when it's bed time. We walked around the mall instead. We went to the pet store to look at puppies and picked one out if we were to ever get a dog. Good lord, no, I never want a dog. We were actually able to walk around holding hands. Sometimes, a lot of times, I miss that. I miss just being able to be us.
We agreed that we need more date nights. Not even every month but this is the second night we've had to ourselves in the past 2 years. I love my kids but I love my husband too!
We went back to Tom & Caitlyn's to pick up the kids and what do you know? They were awake, playing, and happy. We could have seen that movie after all!
I told Tim that I needed to wake up early the next morning to get Valentine's for my students and for the boys. I did wake up early the next morning at 6:40 & Tim took care of my duties for me. Sitting on the table were two boxes of fun dip Valentine's for my kids at work, and some chocolates, two cars, and a bag of popcicles for Ryan & Jake.
Ryan's goodies.
Work was fun on Valentine's Day. As always, holidays with a bunch of little kids are always fun! @ the end of the day, I got to come home to my little Valentine's.
Work was fun on Valentine's Day. As always, holidays with a bunch of little kids are always fun! @ the end of the day, I got to come home to my little Valentine's.
<3 Jakey has been walking EVERYWHERE! He's got the walking thing down.
Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm so glad you guys went out!