Monday, March 25, 2013

Tim's Birthday

This year Tim's birthday was on a Thursday (3/7.)  I decided to take the day off of work so we could spend the whole day together as a family.
Ryan and I woke up early so we could go to my classroom and set up the room for my sub.  Ryan walked around taking everyone's pencils and crayons from their desk!  Little booger.  We came home and cleaned up the kitchen since I was too tired the night before.  Tim actually woke up around 9:30 or so, right after Jakey woke up.

Our first stop of the day was Jerry Bob's for breakfast.  We love Jerry Bob's and we usually save it for special occasions.  It's nice to have someone cook us breakfast AND not have to clean up afterwards

Our second stop of the day was the zoo.  I recently bought a yearly zoo pass for the family.  We'll have to take the kids to the zoo more often.  I think Ryan's at the age where he really, really loves the zoo.  He has a few zoo books and he watches a Barney episode where they all go to the zoo & he loves it.  He's knows the names of all the animals and all their sounds.


I thought the boys would have fun & they did.  Ryan was SO excited to see the giraffes!  He said, "A Affe." haha- he doesn't say the first syllable.  He was also really excited about the elephants and all the birds.  He wanted out of the stroller and was running around following daddy.

I can't wait to take them to the zoo many more times.  The boys are learning so much everyday.

After the zoo, we came home and took naps while Daddy worked on the computer.
I had made dinner plans for Red Lobster that night at 5:30, and surprisingly, I pulled off the surprise! Ha.  I am awful at surprises.  I get too excited and want to share the news.  Everyone in Tim's family was able to make it.  The kids love seeing their aunts & uncles & grandma.  Ryan and Jake were also SO well behaved the whole night.  We were there for about 2.5 hours and they were perfect.  The couples that sat around us commented on how well behaved they were before they left.
When we got home, I laid Jakey in bed and let Ryan sleep in bed with us.  Tim laid in bed with Ryan & I and said "Thank you for today."
We had a great day together as a family celebrating Tim's birthday.  & more importantly, Tim had a good birthday celebration.
Happy Birthday, Tim!  We love you so, so much!

1 comment:

  1. The picture of the boys standing towards the wall! Such little, big boys! Love them.
