Saturday, May 31, 2014

May Ramblings

I think I can fit all of May into one blog post.  May is always the quickest month of the year.  It's the last 3 weeks of the school year.  & Then our anniversary always approaches quickly after that, this year it was our 6 year anniversary.  & then it's Summer Break and I can officially be a stay at home for the next 2+ months and my mommy heart is so happy.  & the countdown to Elyse coming always begins!!

Ryan had his first soccer game!  He was definitely the cutest little soccer player I've ever seen.  Was he any good?  Eh.  He was way too slow to keep up with the ball, but that did not stop him.  He still tried and ran around chasing the ball at every single game.  He always listened, followed directions, and never threw a fit.  My parents tell me that when I played soccer when I was 5 I never chased after the ball and I would stay in one spot the whole game.  Ryan did try, maybe next year when he's one of the older kids on the team he'll be able to keep up with the ball.

Mother's Day is always a special day.  I decided to dress up for church that morning.  It was just another ordinary Sunday.  After Jake's nap, we went over to Tim's mom's house to have some dinner with all the other mothers in our family.

& first, we took some selfies!

That day on Facebook, My Aunt Betty posted this picture of my Grandma.  She passed away when I was in 4th grade.  I haven't seen this picture of her before, but I love how beautiful she looks in it.  I miss her, she would have loved my babies.

& Here is a picture of Jake & I on the last day of school!  Even he was excited.  As excited as I was for it to be the last day of school, I must say I had the absolute best group of second graders this year. After 6 years of teaching, I was pretty blessed to have them.  I'll miss all of their little faces.  On the last day we made our Second Grade Writing Books, cleaned our classroom, played games, and ate a lot of fruit.

We celebrated the first day of summer by "checking out" of work.  I had cleaned up my classroom the day before, but couldn't get anyone to actually check me out, so I took the kids to help me finish up and check out.  We went to the bank and then we went Target.  I have been pinning too many cute nail styles on Pinterest so I needed to get some nail polish to try and re-create them.  Which, by the way, I can not! haha but at least I have some cute nail polish.  We went grocery shopping for the week.  On the way home we stopped at the library to check out some books.  Ryan was reading me his "Thomas" book so I had to turn around and take a picture.  That was just the morning!  Stay at home mommy status<3

Jake still sleeps with just about everything he can find.  He makes me giggle.  Sometimes I walk into his room and his entire bed stuff in just on the floor and he's lying somewhere in the mess of it, sleeping.  I guess he just likes the comfort of all of his blankets and stuffed animals.  Oh & pillows too!

I did a lot of Reading!  Most of it had to occur during Jake's nap time or when the kids were already in bed for the night.  "The One & Only" by Emily Giffin came out, and I had to buy it.  I love all of her books & she might be the only author that I actually go out to Target and buy.  Plus it's a bonus that Target carries signed copies.  I read this one, which I loved and a few others including the Teen Mom's Farrah's and Kail's.  Ack.  I'm not sure why I even attempted to read Farrah's- she's a mess.

We celebrated our 6 year anniversary!  6 years and not even 30 yet.  Grandma watched the babies so we could pig out on popcorn, a huge dr. pepper, and watch Non-Stop.  I actually really enjoyed the movie.  I'm not always a movie person, and about half of the ones I actually watch, I keep wondering when it's going to end.  But this one was full of suspense and didn't have me wondering when the end was coming.

Summer also means Library Storytimes.  I wish I could take the boys to these more often.  They love singing and dancing to all of the songs we sing.  They also read a couple of books relating to that days topic and end the half hour with a special craft.

There are a few movie theaters here that do free summer movies for kids, grown up still have to pay but it's super cheap.  When I saw that Curious George was playing, I was pretty excited to take the kids.  I packed my bag full of snacks for the kids.  Kids eating can stay pretty entertained.  We drove about 20-25 minutes to the theater that had the free movies only to find out that they were remodeling and not open during the summer.  Tim is such a trooper and still drove about another 20 minutes because he knew how much I wanted to take the kids to see it.  We showed up about 10 minutes late. Both kids still watched the entire movie (while eating snacks the whole time.)  When it was over, Ryan looked at me and said, "I love that Curious George movie."

We decided on a little lunch date too, we love Chipotle!

Here's Jake reading "Crankenstein."  I would totally recommend this book to any little one out there!  My kids looove it.  The story is pretty simple that Ryan has memorized the story and can read it by himself.  

Remember what I said up there about Jake bringing all of his stuff to sleep on the floor?  Here's proof.

& this night!  I put Jake to bed, went back to the living room to catch up on my TV shows.  When it was my bedtime I went into my room to find this.  Little Stinker.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Visiting Papa Bill & Aunt Pat

My dad's brother and his wife, (Uncle Bill & Aunt Pat) live in Georgia.  They were spending the last week in April in a cabin in Heber-Overgaard, Arizona.  Tim and I decided to take the kids up for the weekend.  It happened to land on the weekend of Ryan's first soccer game, which I didn't want him to miss, so we ended up leaving Saturday morning after his soccer game.  It took us maybe 5 hours or so to get up there.  My parent's were already up there as they had left earlier in the day.  This was up in norther Arizona, and it was cold!  I am from Yuma/Tucson so I love the warm weather and can't quite function in the cold.

We got to their cabin just in time for a delicious dinner!

Ryan and Jake loved Papa Bill and Aunt Pat right away.. and they loved them right back :)

Growing up, I always lived far away from my Grandparents and aunts and uncles.  My dad was in the military which brought us to Arizona, and then my dad retired when I was in first grade.  All of my family (on both sides) live out on the East coast... West Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia.  It was so nice to catch up with my aunt and uncle and just talk to them.  Especially as an adult.  The last time I had seen them was at my wedding, but we were so preoccupied with wedding stuff that we didn't get a chance to really talk to them.  I am so blessed that Ryan and Jake get to grow up with all of their family around, from mommy and daddy's side.

The next morning we went to Petrified Wood National Forest.  It was pretty cold that day, so we spent a lot of the trail driving through. We stopped a few times but we're babies.  Plus, everything looked the same.  I forget sometimes that Arizona is so beautiful, we have stuff that the other states don't have.

On the way back to the cabin, we stopped for some pizza at Pizza Hut.  Jakey loved the ranch :)  This kid loves dip!  Especially ketchup!  He's so funny.

When we got back, it was already time to start heading home.  But before we did, the idea of a road trip just came home.  I'm not even sure who mentioned it.  Tim & I always talk about going to Georgia.  But with 3 kids, flying is just way too expensive.  Aunt Pat had a road map that she had gotten from Cracker Barrel and we were playing around with the idea of a road trip and mapping out stops along i-10.  Then we started pulling out our phones and looking up all the stuff that you could see along the way.. the alamo, the River walk, the First White House of the Confederacy, MLK jr's home... and then we were pretty much sold.  We decided we are taking a road trip to Georgia for our family reunion during the week of the 4th of July.  A road trip was definitely affordable... but could we survive it with a 2 year old, a 4 year old, and a 12 year old?! haha.

We had such an awesome weekend spending time with them that we couldn't wait to make our road trip to their house!  Especially once I saw how much they loved my kids!