My dad's brother and his wife, (Uncle Bill & Aunt Pat) live in Georgia. They were spending the last week in April in a cabin in Heber-Overgaard, Arizona. Tim and I decided to take the kids up for the weekend. It happened to land on the weekend of Ryan's first soccer game, which I didn't want him to miss, so we ended up leaving Saturday morning after his soccer game. It took us maybe 5 hours or so to get up there. My parent's were already up there as they had left earlier in the day. This was up in norther Arizona, and it was cold! I am from Yuma/Tucson so I love the warm weather and can't quite function in the cold.
We got to their cabin just in time for a delicious dinner!
Ryan and Jake loved Papa Bill and Aunt Pat right away.. and they loved them right back :)
Growing up, I always lived far away from my Grandparents and aunts and uncles. My dad was in the military which brought us to Arizona, and then my dad retired when I was in first grade. All of my family (on both sides) live out on the East coast... West Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia. It was so nice to catch up with my aunt and uncle and just talk to them. Especially as an adult. The last time I had seen them was at my wedding, but we were so preoccupied with wedding stuff that we didn't get a chance to really talk to them. I am so blessed that Ryan and Jake get to grow up with all of their family around, from mommy and daddy's side.
The next morning we went to Petrified Wood National Forest. It was pretty cold that day, so we spent a lot of the trail driving through. We stopped a few times but we're babies. Plus, everything looked the same. I forget sometimes that Arizona is so beautiful, we have stuff that the other states don't have.
On the way back to the cabin, we stopped for some pizza at Pizza Hut. Jakey loved the ranch :) This kid loves dip! Especially ketchup! He's so funny.
When we got back, it was already time to start heading home. But before we did, the idea of a road trip just came home. I'm not even sure who mentioned it. Tim & I always talk about going to Georgia. But with 3 kids, flying is just way too expensive. Aunt Pat had a road map that she had gotten from Cracker Barrel and we were playing around with the idea of a road trip and mapping out stops along i-10. Then we started pulling out our phones and looking up all the stuff that you could see along the way.. the alamo, the River walk, the First White House of the Confederacy, MLK jr's home... and then we were pretty much sold. We decided we are taking a road trip to Georgia for our family reunion during the week of the 4th of July. A road trip was definitely affordable... but could we survive it with a 2 year old, a 4 year old, and a 12 year old?! haha.
We had such an awesome weekend spending time with them that we couldn't wait to make our road trip to their house! Especially once I saw how much they loved my kids!
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