Saturday, April 21, 2012

Easter 2012

We stayed out super late the night before Easter, but the Easter bunny still did come!  Ryan was a little worried he might not come, but he did.  The night before, we were at the fair until 11:00pm, by the time we got home, showered, and got ready for bed it was already midnight when Ryan went to sleep.  You think he would have been a grump.  Nope, he was running around happily playing with Daddy and Grandma.  Jake and I woke up on Easter morning around 9:30.  Ryan slept until 12:30pm.  Geez.  He loves sleep like his momma.

The Easter bunny only brought snacks for the baby.  Jake won't be eating any of his stuff for about another 3-4 months, good thing it can sit in the cabinet that long.  Ryan already ate most of his.  He got a lot of those little fruit pouches from Gerber.  He loves them but geez- $1.52 for some blended up fruit??  Tim & I actually just bought a bunch of strawberries, bananas and blackberries to make Ryan some smoothies.

This picture is blurry but I love it anyways.  Story of my life.  One baby in one arm and one baby in the other :)

Jakey got a new blanket right before we left.  Grandma R got him a quilt and matching burp cloth with his name and birthday embroided in them.  I love it.  He loves his blankies.  &&& I made Tim take this picture because it was Jake's first time grabbing onto something, his sucker :)  The first time Ryan grabbed onto something it was his burp cloth at Target!


Steven, Rebecca, Aiden and Rian came over in the afternoon before dinner and so did my niece, Haley.  Tim went outside to hide all the eggs.  We had tooons of Easter eggs.  He did a great job hiding them, they were in the house, front yard, side of the house and back yard.  The kids loved it.


The kids had fun & I think Tim, Rebecca, and I had just as much fun watching them.

My parents spend the early afternoon cooking dinner so we could eat at 4. I have to say, that my parents are a m a z i n g. I could never ask for better parents. They prove this to me again and again and again.. I have posted in here that I am eating dairy free for my sweet little Jakey because he has a milk protein allergy. Well- my mom had bought me soy milk, dairy free butter and lactose free cheese. Little did she know that the cheese still had the milk protein in it, but it's the thought that counts :) On Easter my mom made me my own little serving of mashed potatoes made with soy milk and my dad made me home made rolls made out of soy milk and dairy free butter. I'm drooling over those rolls just thinking about them. mmm...
The dinner was delicious!
Great Grandma M, So happy my kids have great grandparents!
Cousin Haley!

& My family <3  Excuse the silly faces from the babies. 

That night Mom, Haley, Tim, Ryan, Jake & I went to the fair.  This time it was about Haley riding the rides.  I went on a few with her, Tim went on one and so did my mom.  Haha- My mom's face going on the ride was priceless- oh the things she does to make her granddaughter happy.  Ryan went on a couple of rides and loved it.

Another holiday to add to the books!

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