Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sick Baby

When I got home from work on Monday afternoon, Ryan was still taking a nap.  He woke up around 4 and he was whining in his crib.  I picked him up and heard his stomach gurggling.  He then threw up for the first time.  =(  It made me so sad.  Tim had told me that Ryan didn't have milk, so I tried giving him some milk when we went downstairs.  He drank a little bit, but it all came back up a few minutes later.  & then again 20 minutes after that.  I decided not to give him any more milk.  A little while later I gave him some cheerios, because he wouldn't eat any toast or bread, and he drank some water.  He also threw that up.  He threw up 6 times between 4 & 6:30.  It was awful.  I wanted to get Ryan some pedialite because I didn't want him to be dehydrated but Tim was gone and the carseat was in his car.  He finally came home around 7.  I took Ryan with me to Target to get some Pedialite (& a second carseat!)  He drank his sippy half full of Pedialite and went to bed without any problems.  He slept all night too until 8am, which I didn't think he would do.

On Tuesday Tim said he still wasn't feeling well, whiney & cuddly, but no throwing up.  Thank goodness!  He was sending me pictures.  I love getting cell phone pictures of my baby :)

Sitting in his new seat with his sippy & watching Barney.

Ryan fell asleep for his nap on the couch with Tim.  I miss them when I'm at work!

& my sweet little baby tonight.  So perfect.

When we were at my mom's house, she said that Ryan said "ni ni" before his nap.  Tim & I didn't believe her because we had never heard him say it.  Then today when I was at work Tim text me and said "I think Ryan just said night night right after I said it to him."  So tonight when I was getting ready to put him in his bed I asked him if he wanted to go "ni night" and he said "ni ni!"  So we kept saying it back and forth to each other!  Ahh.  He's so cute.

Ryan jibber jabbers a lot, all day long, but we have no idea what he's actually saying.   He used to say "stop" and "thank you" but he doesn't anymore.  Now he says- momma, dada, here you go, hi, and ni ni.  When I tell him to say "bye" he says "ahh" and waves.  I'm not sure if that counts as a word- but I'll count it anyways :)

Diaper Showers

As I was saying in my last post, my mom had a surprise diaper shower for me!!  It was totally unexpected which makes it even better.  When I got home everyone was already there.  The first thing we did was make scrapbook pages.  Which I recommend for every baby shower.  I love to scrapbook, and it's so nice to have a bunch of personalized pages already made for you, especially from people who love your baby.

My mom made a diaper cake.  She also made me one for my shower with Ryan.  I think they are so pretty.  I didn't take Ryan's apart for a few weeks.  I don't think I'll take this one apart just yet either.

This is Ryan's diaper cake.  My mom also makes flowers out of washcloths.  Aren't they cute?  The baby's colors are aqua and mint so she matched up the washcloths with th colors.  I love them!

Opening some presents- mostly diapers.  You can never have enough diapers!

Who doesn't love cake?  Yum.

Today at work, they had another diaper shower for me.  Sometimes being pregnant can be so overwhelming.  People are SO nice.  Being pregnant with Ryan and now this baby, people are just so sweet and giving.  I am so grateful and so SO blessed for everything that people have done for us.  #2 is due in 39 days!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Break


I have been looking forward to Thanksgiving for so long.  I get 5 days off of work and we were going to spend the holiday with my family in Yuma.  Plus, my brother, Mike, was coming into town to surprise my parents.  We haven't seen him since my wedding in May 2008.  We didn't get to Yuma until a little after midnight on Tuesday night.  Ryan slept the entire way there and woke up as soon as I took him out of his carseat.  But that's okay, he got to play with Grandma!

Wednesday was nice, we slept in until after 10!  I love sleeping.  My dad picks up Aiden and Rian on Wednesdays and brings them back to my parents's house.  I love those babies.  & So does Ryan :)  He had fun running around with Aiden and having screaming contests.  Ri loves food and Ryan loves sharing.  He was sharing his carrots with her.  Yum.

Thanksgiving this year was so fun!  My parents were keeping Ryan busy with straws and a container while I showered.

Steven, Rebecca, Aiden, Rian, and Mike came over a little after 2.  It was pretty emotional watching Mike walk into the dining room and my mom seeing him, I felt like I couldn't breathe.  3.5 years is way to long.  We were all so excited to see him.

The Hendersons :) 

Ryan's Thanksgiving desert.

Ryan being a grump.  Just like last year when we tried to take a family picture!  He wanted to play.

It's pretty much impossible to get a decent picture with 3 toddlers...

  After dinner we watched our babies play.  It makes my heart smile to watch them play together.

Around 10:30 or so, Mom, Haley, and I went Black Friday Shopping!  Last year I couldn't go during the middle of the night because I was nursing Ryan.  It was fun to go this year.  I don't know what it is, but I love to Black Friday Shop.  I started in 2008 with Tim's mom, went in 2009 with my mom, and then again this year.  We hit up Walmart, Toys R Us, Target, Old Navy, and Kohls.  We had to drop Haley off at home between Target and Old Navy because she was tired.  But I got almost everything I had on my list.  Except the diapers and wipes at Toys R Us, we got there around midnight and they were already sold out!  Boo.  Ryan is completely shopped for.  I just need a few more things for Elyse and the other special little people in my life.

3 hours of sleep was not fun when Ryan woke up at 8am the next morning.  My mom woke up around 10 and then I went back to bed.

Sharing cookie dough.. mmm..

Friday afternoon my mom put up the Christmas tree & the babies helped decorate.  Aiden was pretty good sticking the ornaments on the branches.  Ryan was watching him and wanted to help, my mom would give him an ornament and he would just lay it on the branch :)

Begging for blueberries.

The next day Mike had to leave :(  He took Ryan on a little skateboard ride before he left.

Tim & I were having lunch at Chile Pepper and when we got back to my parents' house my mom had a surprise baby shower for me!  --(next post, I'm tired.)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Third Trimester

Today I got an email telling me that I'm in my third trimester.  Wow.  32 weeks today. 8 weeks until my due date & only 56 more days.  That is insane.  We went for a check up last week on Friday- the baby's heart beat was perfect.  I love looking at Ryan's face when he hears the heartbeat.  He always looks like he's thinking so hard, I think he remembers the sound from when he was in my tummy.  My blood pressure and my weight gain all look good.  This past Wednesday I went in for my glucose test.  It wasn't too bad.  I got seen right away and she called me back to get my blood work at exactly one hour.  I go in tomorrow again for another check up.  I'm now into my biweekly doctor visits which will soon turn into weekly visits.

The weather around here has gotten cold!  Ryan doesn't have much winter clothes.  He was still wearing shorts up until this past week!  I need to get him a few more long sleeved shirts and jackets or sweatshirts.  The other day we went for a walk and I had to bundle him up in his blanket.  It reminded me of last year :)  Time just goes by too fast with him and I want to remember every little detail of his life.

He is always playing around and under the kitchen table.  The other day he just layed down under the table for a while.  He's always moving the chairs around, and today he kept sitting in between the bars on the bottm and scooting his little butt around so he could move the chairs.  He's so silly.

Elyse's 5th grade school picture.  She looks just like her daddy :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

7 months


I am SEVEN months pregnant today!  Only 66 more days until my due date.  This pregnancy is just flying by.  I can't believe I'll have two little boys in about 2 months.  That's just crazy to me.  My belly is getting bigger by the day.  It doesn't help that I ate my whole birthday cake by myself, plus now I have Halloween candy!  Yikes!  Oh well- the little one loves the junk food and so does momma :)  With Ryan, I ate a lot of cereal- with this one I am still eating a lot of cereal.  I also eat a lot of cereal not pregnant so that doesn't mean anything. 

When I was pregnant with Ryan, a QT had just opened up and they gave away a bunch of free cups that you could refill for free for 90 days after opening.  I was at that place pretty much every day.  Sometimes I was there 3 times a day!  I was constantly filling up my cup with the black cherry smoothies they had.  I started going before work, during lunch, and even after work.  If I had to run errands I was stopping there before I went somewhere and when I went home.  Tim was bringing me home some from work, I just couldn't get enough of those things.  I don't really have any cravings with this little guy.  I did ONCE, I was really wanting cookie dough and peanuts.  Weird.  That night Tim and I stayed up late watching 24 on the couch and he went to buy me peanuts and ingredients for cookie dough.  Sounds gross together to me now, but it sure was good at the time.

It's so hard to believe I only have 66 days left until my due date.  I'm nervous to have two little babies.  Life with Ryan is so easy and predictable.  I can tell you what we're doing at every time of the day.  Ryan is, and always has been, such a good baby/toddler.  I'm looking forward to Ryan seeing #2 for the first time, even though he probably won't even care.  Being pregnant when my baby is only 16 months old brings a lot of emotions.  I am so so excited to be blessed with another baby, but I'm also nervous.  Everyone has told me that you love the second as much as you love the first, I know that's true, it just doesn't even seem possible at this point.

I have a doctor appointment tomorrow at 3:30- can't wait to hear the baby's heartbeat!

Here I am pregnant with Ryan, 30w3d.  Only 1 day off from what I am today with #2.  I was a bridesmaid in my friend Jennifer's wedding.  My dress barely fit my belly!

& now more pictures of Ryan.  I post a lot of pictures with him but I want to remember everything. 

Playing in the kitchen while momma makes tacos.

Reading books before bed, just like mommy does!  I still love watching him point to the pictures, it makes me smile.

I took Ryan to the park and all he wanted to do was push around his stroller.

What is it with toddlers and their food.  Everytime I looked at Ryan last night, he had more and more mac & cheese in his hair.  When I put him in the tub I picked the pieces out of his hair and do you know how many I picked out?  13!

Ryan gets excited every time I do laundry.  He's always running over to the dryer and pulling stuff out and putting it back in.  He especially loves when I do HIS laundry and he gets to help me fold it (or play in it.)  He does this every time.

Then he started piling clothes up on this exercize ball.  He was so patient and determined to get them all to stay on top of the ball.

I know this post is already long, but I'll leave you guys with this video taken by Grandma.  It made me smile when she sent it to me.