Thursday, June 13, 2013

Grandma's Birthday at the Lake

Last year, I let the whole summer go by before I updated my blog.  I didn't want to do that last year, especially because summer goes by so quickly and our time with Elyse is so rare.  A few months ago, I talked to my mom about going to the lake for her birthday.  Elyse was due to arrive on June 7 and mom's birthday is June 8th.  Perfect timing?  Yes.  She loved the idea.  A month before her birthday, the little trailers at the lake were booked.
I was definitely looking forward to this trip.  We used to go to the lake every summer growing up so these are memories that I wanted my kids to have too.  Plus, we've never taken Elyse with us there.  Pluuus- Rebecca & her family was going to be there too!
Elyse got into town on Friday night, it was pretty late- I was already sleeping by the time they got home so I didn't see her til the next morning.  The kids and I were up early and now we were just waiting for Tim to wake up.
The drive there wasn't too bad.  Elyse may say otherwise, she was the one in the back with two carseats.  Sorry Elyse!  When we arrived at the lake- we got in our swim suits and went swimming in the lake.  The kids also wanted to play on the little playground next to Grandma & Grandpa's trailer.
Both days we did some swimming, went on the boat, and went tubing.  Elyse went tubing by herself.  I'm posting a ton of pictures because they are all so cute!  It was hard to narrow it down.

Jakey was so cute in his little life jacket.  He would walk into the water and fall down and just float around- he was loving it.
The second day we were there, Elyse wanted a kayak.  We got a two person one and then she wanted to trade it in for a one person one and a peddle boat.  I've never been in a kayak, and the last time I was on a canoe was in 7th grade.  I'm getting old.  My mom and I went around on the peddle boat.. and then we took Ryan on it.  He sat on the boat with just a blank expression on his face.  But after we got off he kept talking about how much fun he had.
My pops- the boat driver.
The first day we were there, was my mom's birthday and we ate dinner on a picnic bench and had sang "Happy Birthday" and ate cupcakes.  Happy Birthday, Mom!
On Monday morning, I guess everyone was a little worn out and ready to head home.  Elyse wanted to ride the tube one last time so we went on the boat again before packing up and heading back to my parent's house.  We decided to stay the night at their house so we wouldn't have to spend the whole day driving.  The lake was fun and I can't wait to take my kids there every year and watch them play with their cousins!


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