Friday, December 9, 2011

After I wrote my last post, Daddy got sick the next day.  I had Ryan sick on Wednesday and Tim sick on Thursday.  Tim is just as much as a baby of Ryan is when he's not feeling well.  Well, Tim might actually be worse :)  Last Thursday I also had my 34 week check up.  Number 2 is still measuring perfect.  Grandma Rios came with Ryan & I .  She got to hear his heartbeat for the first time. I decided it was time to get my flu shot too.  After my doctor appointment we headed over to Walgreens to get my flu shot.  I need to get Ryan's flu shot too.  Which also reminds me that I need to schedule his 18m appointment.  My baby will be 18 months next Friday!!  That is just insane.  & I can still squeeze his little self into 6-9m clothes. He mostly wears 12m shirts though.

Sleeping peacefully Wednesday night.  I thought he would have a rough night, but he didn't.  What a trooper.

On Friday, my stomach was hurting in the morning when I was at work.  I wanted to go home early, but I only get 5 sick days a year and I'm saving those for maternity leave.  I had to wait until 1:30 in order to not get docked any pay.  By 1:30 I was feeling better- but they told me to leave anyways.  I went home & Ryan was still awake so I layed him down and then took a nap.  We slept until 4:00.  We must have both been so sleepy.  Being 35 weeks pregnant is making me sleeeepy. 

Saturday rolled around.. Ryan & I were so lazy!  I didn't want to do anything.  We stayed in our pajamas most of the day.  Our house was cold!  I decided it was finally time to turn on the heater when I checked the thermostat and it was 60 degrees.  Turned on the heater and it was broken!  I had to call someone to come fix it.  After naps, Ryan and I were still in pajamas.  We snuggled on the couch and watched Barney and ate chocolate ice cream.  I know this picture isn't flattering- but it basically sums up our afternoon together.  Pajamas, blankets, and ice cream.  :)

Saturday night we finally went and got our Christmas tree!!  Except it was raining that night so it sat on our front porch because it was so wet.  .. & again on Sunday because Tim was sleeping when I wanted him to put it up!  It finally got put up on Monday night and the stinkin thing is huge!  It looks so funny. 

This quilt was made for number 2 from a friend at work :)  I love it & so does Ryan.  This week we also received Number 2's afghan from his Great Grandma Merrill.  Now Elyse, Ryan, and the new baby will have matching blankets :)  I love homemade blankets!!

Ryan's actually screaming at me in this picture.

Ryan's so silly after bath time lately.  He always gets his towels and puts them on his head and walks around his room.  When I start calling him (like I don't know where he is,) he stops walking and just stands there.

Where's Ryan??

40 minutes after bedtime- still awake playing with his mobile.

An hour after bedtime, finally slasleep with his butt in the air.

Hmm.. what else? 

I had my 35 week check up yesterday afternoon.  Dr. Riley said I'm a teeny bit dilated- not even really to a one yet.  As of today, there are 30 days left until my due date.  So in 30 days (or more.. or less) I'll be a mommy AGAIN.  Nuuuts.  It still doesn't even seem totally real.  Tim & I talk about it all the time though.  We are SO in love with Ryan.  I'll have to let you guys know in a month if it's possible to be in love with two little babies equally.  Everyone says yes-- we will see!   But before Ryan, I never even could image how perfect he would be and how much he would change our lives.

Sneaking in some time on the iPad.

I am super excited for this weekend!  My mom gets off of work today at 12 and then she's coming into town.  She gets half day at work on a Friday every year in December & she always comes into town that weekend.  So she should be here today around 4 or so.  Then we are going to take Ryan to see Santa.  We're also going into Winterhaven- It's a huge neighborhood where everyone decorates their houses with lights.  Ryan's going to love it!

Tomorrow I'm FINALLY getting more maternity pictures done.  I've had a few so far, but we're doing maternity, family, and Christmas pictures.  We're getting the babies crib & changing table too! I've really been looking forward to putting his dresser together and folding all of his clothes :)

Okay- was that long enough?

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