Wednesday, May 23, 2012

71 Days of Summer

The first day of summer isn't until June 20th.  However, when you're a teacher- summer begins on the last day of school.  In my case, that day was today.  I am looking forward to summer, I have been for so long, for a number of reasons.

I stole this picture from pinterest.  I need to make a summer bucket list for my family.  A check list of all the things I want to do this summer.  I already have an ongoing list in my head.  Swimming.  Camping. Going to the Lake.  Spending a few days in Phoenix to go to the AZ Science Center & Children's Museum.  Go to the Circus.  Play outside.  Buy my babies a new pool for the backyard.  Draw on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk and paint.  Pictures of all three of my babies together.  Have a picnic.  BBQ at the splash pad.  Breakfast at Jerry Bobs.  Library.  Take lots of walk.  Play at the park.  Bake with Elyse.  There are so many things on my list, that's only the beginning... Celebrate Ryan's 2nd birthday.  Two.  My little baby will be TWO! 

Ryan is signed up for swim lessons in July.  He's also signed up for a mommy and me gym class, which I am so excited about.

Today is only day 1 of my summer, but it's already started out perfectly.

Trying so hard to roll to his tummy!

 Dancing to JLo on American Idol <3

Lots of playing and keeping Ryan up an extra hour to watch the finale of American Idol.

Here's to my 71 days of summer...

Friday, May 18, 2012

Mother's Day

My Mother's Day was nice this year.   It was last year too :)  We woke up and got ready to go to church.  Somehow it took over an hour and a half to get ready.  Both babies were whiney.  Ryan was whining and then Jake was whining.  It doesn't exactly make it easy to straighten my hair or put make up on.

Both babies went to the nursery at church.  Ryan loves the play kitchen they have.  I'd love to make him one, but I just have no idea where I would put it.

After church, we went to Subway to get some lunch and Circle K for some sodas to take up to the mountain.  Ryan has never been to the mountain before.  While we were up there, I was wondering why we don't go up there more often.  It's so beautiful and peaceful.  Ryan loved it too.  He was trying so hard to walk around, but he kept falling and wanted up.  Then he wanted down (and then up again.)

I had to get a picture of Ryan's first kid's pack! He got strawberry milk, yogurt with granola, and a ham and cheese sandwich.

We enjoyed our time on the mountain, spent some time walking around, and had to come back home.  We were due to have dinner at Tim's sister's house at 5.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there, and especially to my own, who is the best mom out there.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Our day in Phoenix

Tim is a photographer and he's always doing photoshoots.  He's actually doing one right now of a 2 day old baby boy!  Anyways, he's always showing me his pictures.  He works at night and sometimes throughout the night editing pictures.  He will wake me up to come look at his pictures when he really likes them.  When I look at his family pictures or couples pictures I actually get a little jealous that we don't have nice pictures like that!  I want some nice big beautiful family portraits to hang on my walls.

About a month ago, I started getting sick of all the nice pictures that Tim does.  So I messaged one of my long time LJ friends (10 years!), Nica and asked her if she could take pictures of us.  She said yes and I got so excited.  Then I had to tell Tim that I volunteered him to do her pictures and we were driving out to Phoenix to spend some time with them to do pictures.  He was actually pretty excited too because he's been following her work for a while now.

May 6th finally rolls around and I am so stoked!  I got the boys dressed only to realize that both of their outfits were too big!  Ahh.  So I'm scrambling through all their clothes to see what else will work.  After I get them both ready, I looked at Jakey's 3 months pictures and realize that I have him dressed in the same exact outfit!  Oopsie.  I must really like that outfit :)  No time to change him.  Oh well.

Both babies were so good in the car ride up to Phoenix.  We met up with Nica and her boyfriend met around 3.  It was pretty hot in the beginning.  The clouds covered the sun shortly after and then the weather was perfect.  I have not had pictures taken of me since my wedding day so it was a little awkward and I'm probably the worst at taking pictures.  Tim and Nica took turns taking pictures.  Nica and Matt even got Ryan to smile for some pictures!  Tim & I can barely get him to even LOOK at the camera.  I'm glad she got pictures of Ryan first because he started getting super whiney.  I guess that's what a 2 hour car ride and no nap do to a 1 year old.  The shoot was really fun and it was nice to get to meet a friend.

After that shoot Tim had another shoot right after.  A group of about 15.  It was at a little water fountain thing.  I don't really know how to explain it.  I took Ryan's shoes off and let him run around.  He loooved it.


The weather was beautiful.  Ryan was running around playing and Jakey sat so nicely in his car seat.  I was a little sad that it was Sunday and I had to work the next day because I would have stayed the night in Phoenix if I could have.

We ate at Hooters for dinner and sat outside on the balcony patio.  The server gave Ryan a balloon and he just kept hitting it around and laughing.  The day was pretty much perfect.

On our way home, we drove the wrong way for 17 miles.  Oops. We were driving home, it was dark, and we saw something big in the road right before we hit it.  It was big and white.  We swerved a little off the road and had to swerve back on the road.   I freaked out thinking of the babies in the back seat.  They slept right through it.  We pulled over and Tim got out to look at our car.  Some guy was also pulled over and he said he thought it was a cow.  Soon enough there were a few cars pulled over on the side of the road, one car was totaled and facing the wrong direction and it was a big mess.  The girl who got her car hit was fine, but the back part of her car was messed up.  It gave me chills through my body.  My babies are in my back seat.  That could have been them.  Thank God there were no cars around us when we swerved.   So glad he was watching over me and my kids. <3

A year ago today, I was on day 35 of my 28 day cycle.  Scared because I thought I might be pregnant.  I was talking to Loni on Facebook and she kept telling me to get a pregnancy test.  I didn't want to because I didn't want there to be two pink lines.  I peed on a stick which instantly showed 2 pink lines.  Those 2 pink lines scared the crap out of me.  I was numb and didn't know what to think.  My baby was only 10.5m old and now I would be having another one.

Little did I know that those 2 pink lines were the missing link to our family.  Those 2 pink lines turned into the most beautiful little boy with big blue eyes.  Jake keeps us on our toes and fills our home with so much love.


I haaave to share this picture! Dairy free ice cream and pizza!! Yuuum.

Monday, May 7, 2012

4 months


The last time I wrote in here I was writing Jakey's 3 month update.  Now he is 4 months and 1 week old.  My sweet little baby.  Time goes by so fast. 

To my beautiful baby boy:

I get weekly email updates.  I got one on Friday telling me that you were 18 weeks old.  It caught me off guard.  18 weeks.  That's almost half of my pregnancy.  Life with you and Ryan is just so so amazing.  I never would have dreamed how much I would love the both of you.  Having Ryan was so wonderful.  Your daddy and I always talked about and wondered if we could even love another human being like we loved Ryan.  Well, you're here.  Having you here filled our lives with so much more love than we ever thought possible.  We both soak in every minute we have with the two of you.

Ryan loves you so much and it melts my heart.  He runs to you and hugs and kisses you all the time.  He brings you blankets and toys.  Any time you make a peep after your nap he stops whatever he is doing and runs to see you.  Tonight Daddy and I were making pizza for dinner, I had you sitting in your bumbo and when I turned around to check on you, Ryan was sitting right next to you giving you a hug.

From month 3 to 4 you have:

-Started using size 2 diapers
-Wearing 3-6 month jammies
- Rolled over from tummy to back
- You try to roll over from back to tummy but you only make it half way
-Hold onto your toys and your sucker and can switch it from hand to hand
-Awesome head control
-Smile all the time!

12lbs 12 oz (5th %)
24.5 in (20th %)
Head is 40.7cm (21%)

Ooh- & you still don't sleep through the night!  I bathe you and Ryan every night at 6:30.  We put on lotion and jammies and play in Ryan's room until about 7:30 & then I swaddle you.  Ryan always tries to lay in your blanket when I lay it out.  Ryan gives you a good night kiss and we walk to your bassinet and lay you down.  Yes- you still sleep next to momma in your bassinet.  I'm not ready to let you sleep in your crib.  It's actually still not set up.  The pieces are tucked away under Ryan's crib.

I would write more about you, but your daddy is bugging me to get off so he can get to work!

Lastly, you're perfect.  Still.